REF | WAN4211231-ES |
TENGA EN CUENTA: Nuestro equipo está trabajando actualmente en la traducción de esta información. Puede consultar todos estos detalles en su idioma durante los próximos días. Para obtener información adicional y precisa, consulte la versión original de este contenido. Nuestro equipo proporciona esta información y detalles en English. En caso de duda, malentendido o error de interpretación sobre la información proporcionada, debe consultar la versión original de esta página o ponerse en contacto con nuestro Equipo de Atención al Cliente.English [ EN ]TANGLE FREE: Never worry about your dogs getting tangled with our innovative tangle-free swivel piece. Our leash rotates freely keeping your dogs comfortable no matter how wild and adventurous.
ADJUSTABLE LENGTH: The adjustable lead length accommodates medium dogs. Choose from the regular 11-20 inches sizes, so you can walk two different size dogs easily.
COMFORT: To enhance your dog walking experience we’ve added neoprene padding to both handles for maximum comfort.
PREMIUM QUALITY: Made with premium quality weather-proof nylon material and durable hardware to ensure its use for years to come.
CHOOSE YOUR SIZE: The leash is 3/4 inch wide, the handle is 1 meter long (about 40 inches), and the coupler's adjustable length is 11 to 20 inches. It is suitable for dogs from 10 to 50 pounds.
Size: M.
FOR TWO DOGS: Just attach one leash to the extra strength coupler or splitter and you can walk and control 2 dogs at once.
TANGLE FREE: Never worry about your dogs getting tangled with our innovative tangle-free swivel piece. Our leash rotates freely keeping your dogs comfortable no matter how wild and adventurous.
COMFORT: Add the neoprene padded handle for maximum comfort.
SAFETY:To keep you and your dogs safe when the sun goes down, we have added reflective thread stitching along the entire length of the product.
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