REF | WAN4211425-ES |
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Dogs wear muzzles for many reasons including inappropriate or aggressive behaviour towards other dogs or people, and to discourage them from licking wounds. Whatever the reason, it is important that the dog is happy and comfortable wearing a muzzle so that training can take place to resolve his problem.
- Don't let your dog wear muzzle for too long because they may feel uncomfortable and needs rest.
- In order to decrease the potential of getting off by dogs, we strongly recommend you to use this product combining with collar sets. Please note that there is additional little ear on the muzzle.Use this little ear together with collar to avoid being removed the collar by your dogs.
- Strongly suggest you to let your dogs smell (or touch) the muzzle before using it, and then feed them with some snacks immediately. Please repeat test patiently until they produce reflective reaction that they know there are tasty good when they see the muzzle. Your dogs will not have uncomfortable felling for muzzle any more when they get used to it.
Material: Leather.
Package includes: 2 x Pet Muzzle.
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